The database is a collection of data and this data is stored in form of tables at logical level, and in the data files at the physical level. There are some other files as well like Redo log files, Control files, Initialization files which stores important information about the database.
LineChart.cs import the following namespaces using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.Collections; public class LineChart { public Bitmap Bitmapb; public string strTitle = "Default Title"; public ArrayList ArrayListchartValues = new ArrayList(); public float ftXorigin = 0, ftYorigin = 0; public float ftScaleX, ftScaleY; public float ftXdivs = 2, ftYdivs = 2; private int intWidth, intHeight; private Graphics Graphicsg; private Page Pagep; struct datapoint { public float ftx; public float fty; public bool bolvalid; } //initialize public LineChart(int intmyWidth, int intmyHeight, Page myPage) { intWidth = intmyWidth; intHeight = intmyHeight; ftScaleX = intmyWidth; ftScaleY = intmyHeight; Bitmapb = new Bitmap(intmyWidth, intmyHeight); Graphicsg = Graphics.FromImage(Bitmapb); Pagep = myPage; } pu...
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